Sound, video and control systems are used in auditoriums/performing art centers, board rooms, council chambers, corporate and government training facilities, educational facilities, convention centers, sports complexes, worship spaces, as well as open and private offices and retail... any place where people need to be entertained, educated, and must communicate more effectively. All this technology must be integrated into the architectural and acoustical environment to be effective. Our role is to assist the design team in bringing the technology and the environment together, while maintaining the architectural vision of the designer.
  • AES
  • ASA
  • NSCA
  • Syn-Aud-Con
  • Sound Institute

  • DDBC
  • Digital Architecture
  • Auditioning

Electronic Sound Company (ESC) is a consulting firm providing sound system, acoustical and control system designs throughout the United States from our Des Moines office. We focus on designing the most effective technical solution for the users' needs and then successfully integrate that solution into the architectural environment

When you are presented a system from Electronic Sound Company you can be sure it is designed around quality products. For the delivery of pure uniform sound look for Bose and JBL speakers. The heart of our systems contain Bose, Crown and Shure processing and amplification. For mixing applications operate with ease from Allen & Heath, Ashly, and Soundcraft. Pick up the natural sound with Shure microphones wired or wireless. Fidelity music from Denon Marantz Video display is seen with Eiki projectors and Draper Screens